Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Tangible Reads

"The Scene" (Dylan Hart Odyssey of The Occult Series) Is now available in PAPERBACK!

 After quite some time my latest novel "The Scene" is out in paperback. You can pick up a copy of you very own by clicking here!!

 Love what you read, do what you love.

 BEST Review of "The Scene" thus far. Just thought I'd share...

 Jan's review Feb 21, 12 Read in February, 2012 
 In her search to discover whether or not vampires are real, we find Dylan Hart in Los Angeles, trying to make her way as a journalist, pay off her student debt and get her front door open. She has body issues, money trouble and two men she doesn't know what to do with. Dylan's decision to write a book, and cash-in on the blood-drained bodies of prostitutes, begins her on her Odyssey. Slicing her way through the absurd, the ethereal and the deadly serious, of the underground vampire community, with her twenty-first century Marlowe-esque straight-razor wit. A "Thelma and Louise On Steroids" relationship with best-friend, Tatum, epitomizes the sentiment, "A good friend will help you move. A best friend will help you move a body". The only question when it comes to Tatum, is whose? But Dylan's crunchy coating hides a soft, creamy, center. She soon finds herself hunting down the murderers for a higher purposes than fame and money. Although that would be okay too. I loved this book! I'm not usually into vampires, but this isn't your usual vampire fare. It's quirky, creepy and laugh-out-loud hilarious. There's a good, solid, mystery in The Scene, and well crafted characters in place for the rest of Dylan's Odyssey. RM Gilmore has me hooked!

Want to get your hands on a signed copy? Enter to WIN one of TWO signed copies from
Click below to enter! Hurry, ends March 31st, 2012~

Goodreads Book Giveaway

The Scene by R.M. Gilmore

The Scene

by R.M. Gilmore

Giveaway ends March 31, 2012.
See the giveaway details at Goodreads.
Enter to win

Monday, February 13, 2012

Publishing and Promoting

I knew from the start this wasn't going to be easy. I knew I would be doing all the grunt work when it came to getting my first book out there in the world.

So far, it is a pain in my ass! I am tired and my back hurts. I have no money to spend on promoting myself so I am trying to do every FREE thing I can think of. At times I feel like a book whore slinging my wares about town.

Book reviews are almost impossible for indie authors. Most review blogs won't even take a look at your work if it wasn't graced with a the seal of approval from some publishing shark. I actually like being independent. I don't have to answer to anyone. I can keep and toss only what I want to. I create my own timeline, cover, and character plots. It's great!

Now if I can only magically show readers the path to my novels I will be set. When that will ever happen, I don't know. But for now, I'll just keep on keepin on!

End of rant.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Dylan Hart Has Been Unleashed!

She's here!
The Dylan Hart Odyssey of the Occult series begins with our heroine snooping into a media dretched homicide investigation. Havoc insues and she is ass deep in blood bars and dead hookers.

Check out Dylan's first trip into the occult with The Scene!

You can get it on:

Kindle (The app is free on your Blackberry, Android, PC, etc.)


Paperback! (COMING SOON)

Read it, love it, leave a review! Don't forget to let everyone know what you thought. Unless you hate it know what to do!