I'm a vampire, I'm a real vampire.

Starring in one of my favorite vampire(?) movies of all time, Cage plays Peter Loew, publicist and aspiring vampire. After succumbing to the wiles of a vampire(?) and a series of bloodletting sessions Peter begins to believe himself a vampire(?). Avoiding the sun, eating cockroaches, and even donning fake plastic teeth in order to complete his transformation.
Resorting to eating pigeons and sleeping under his couch Peter begins stalking the night in search of tasty morsels and eventually the woman who "turned" him. Havoc ensues when Peter makes the rash decision he needs to die. You have to see it to know the rest.
In my humble opinion best flick in the sub-genre . Adding a touch of skepticism and psycho hallucinations it toys with the idea of vampires without sinking its teeth into you.
If you don't got it~get it here Get your suck on.
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