Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Indie Only Quest 2012 ~ I got your back

Making my rounds through the Indie community this year.

I have sworn my alliance to Indie authors for 2012. I, R.M. Gilmore will read, review, and support only Indie authors and their works.

I have chosen to read at least 15 Indie books this year. This is not a limitation or maximum number, only a guideline to keep me on track.

I will leave an honest review as an author. However, if I find that I cannot finish the book OR I feel I cannot give an honest 3 stars or more to a book I will NOT review it. I firmly believe in the old saying, "If you can't saying anything nice, don't say anything at all". I have two reasons for this 1.) The last thing a new "unknown" author needs is a "bad" review. 2.) Do unto others. If I wrote a horrible story I would appreciate someone tell me personally or privately and not scream it from the rooftop. A 1 or 2 star review is embarrassing and I refuse to do that to another human being.

That being said, if I find a plot discrepancy, numerous errors (We are all human and these things happen. I am the worst about editing so I know how that can go.), or simply HATE it for whatever reason I may leave a personal message as to why I won't be leaving a review. Who knows, an author may decide to make some changes and the second edition is unbelievably amazing.

My goal is to support others like me. I ask that these "others" choose to do the same. If we all band together, we can become more than just "Indies" or "Self-published", which lets face it doesn't come with the best stigma. I only hope that one day someone will do the same for me.

Indies, I got your back.


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